For four years (2008 - 2012) I was definitely spoiled. I worked at a job that allowed me to work from home three or four days a week. In my new position at Samsung, I unfortunately don't have that luxury anymore, nor was I expecting to. I'm now driving in 4-5 days week, and, I admit, it's been a tough adjustment!
Doing so, however, has given me the opportunity to experience "commuter" traffic again. And doing that for a few months now has reminded me of some of the driving habits people have that are particularly curious and/or baffling to me. Now, I'm not admitting to being a perfect driver.....I'll drive 70-75 mph on the freeway if it's safe. But I do make a point to be considerate to everyone driving around me, no matter what the time of day. So, here are my top 5, all freeway-specific, and in no particular order, driving pet peeves. Then I'll share a theory I have afterwards:
* Wrong lane drivers: This, to me, is the most common problem: people who won't drive in the lane that best matches the speed they are driving. Yes, the legal speed limit is 65 mph on most of our local freeways, but let's face it, that just isn't the case anymore. Like it or not, people who drive 55-65 on the freeway are in the minority now. But if that is someone's comfortable driving speed, that's perfectly long as they do so in one of the far right lanes. Time after time I see people driving 55-65 in the two left lanes and not budging. Even when being followed by a half dozen or more cars, they won't move over. As a result, the far right lanes are now becoming the fast lanes. Simple rule of thought to apply here: If the average traffic speed of the lane to your right is moving faster than you, and you have people behind you, move over. Simple courtesy that will prevent a potential road rage incident....or an accident.
* Slow fast lane drivers: A close cousin to the wrong lane driver, these are people who drive 65 or less specifically in the fast line and won't move if their life depended on it. Never quite understood these folks. Is it an ego/controlling thing? Are they just more comfortable in the far left lane? Are they trying to make an anti-speeding statement? Regardless of the reason, it's plain and simply inconsiderate. Passing to the right is potentially dangerous, yet they allow for no other option when they refuse to move over.
* Pre-carpool/post-carpool carpoolers: As we know, after 9am and before 3pm the carpool lane is actually the fast lane. However, during my commute, I see quite a few carpoolers hanging around the carpool lane driving the speed limit some 10, 15, 20 minutes prior to the start of or after the end of the carpool time. They seem to forget they are now in the fast lane and are effecting the overall flow of traffic.
* Slowing down before exit: I've noticed a fair amount of people who have the habit of slowing down to 55 mph or less a half mile or more from their upcoming exit, which really is unnecessary. I'm not saying hit the off ramp going 65, but there's no need to slow down until you're a couple of hundred yards from it. Most off ramps leave plenty of space to slow down before making a turn or a stop.
* Over-Spacing: This refers to drivers who leave five or more car lengths between them and the car in front of them while traveling below the speed limit due to commuter traffic. It's one thing to be cautious and allow enough space in front of you in case you need to stop suddenly, but some people go way overboard. Particularly at slower speeds. There's no telling how much longer our commute would be if everyone left five or more car lengths between them and the car in front of them. Two-three car lengths is more than enough if you're paying attention to the car in front of you, and just as important, the cars in front of them.
Ok, there you have it. My top 5 highway driving pet peeves. And I didn't even mention drivers who don't use their turn signals or car pool lane violators! Oops, sorry. I realize that many of the people who are guilty of the above probably don't even realize they are doing it (except the car pool violators) or the results of their actions. I will also admit that, believe it or not, I'm not the most patient commuter driver around! Particularly when I haven't had to drive in it for over four years! But I really think freeway driving in general would be easier, and more importantly safer, if drivers were able to avoid these five things. Particularly during commuting time.
Anyhow, I do have a theory on why a lot of this is happening. And it's pretty simple. The Bay Area, and the south bay in particular, has become home to a large diverse, transplanted community. Each come from a city, state or country that have their own general driving styles, habits and tendencies. I know from the little international travel I've done how differently people drive in other countries. I think what we may be seeing now is a merging of all these driving styles on our Bay Area roads and freeways. At least I hope it's that, and not because people are becoming more selfish, impatient, and less courteous while driving. That wouldn't be good.
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