Sunday, October 18, 2015

2015 Writings

When I logged in to write this new blog, I didn't realize that the last one I wrote was in December 2014!  Yikes!  My only excuse is that I've spent a lot of 2015 writing short papers on a variety of contemporary topics. And probably to no one's surprise, they are are all faith-based. Why? Christians seem to be taking hits from all directions these days, be it from the same-sex crowd, the pro-abortionists, Islam terrorists, atheists, and even our own government. Sure, they always have, but the criticism and attacks seem to be more volatile and frequent these days. So, for my education, I wanted to do some research to learn the origins and basis of these topics, as well as what the Bible says about them.  But there came a point where I thought I'd share them.

The following PDF files, ranging from 5-29 pages, are what I've written so far. And although I'm obviously a "faith-based" person, I tried to use the most reliable, unbiased online resources I could find.

My most recent writing is one called "A Knock on the Door", where I list the five questions I would ask a Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Muslim, and Christian the next time they come knocking on my door. You can find it here:  A Knock on the Door.

Here's a list of my other writings:
Happy reading!

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