Monday, January 15, 2024

Top 5 Tuesday: My Favorite Movie Endings

Everyone likes a good ending. Some movies are so-so but have a memorable conclusion, which helps you forget the previous 90 minutes you felt like you were wasting. Others are great throughout, and as the movie winds down, you hope and pray that the ending doesn't ruin it. And when it doesn't, you walk away with a great movie experience. A real bonus is when the ending isn't what you were expecting, and was even better than you were hoping for. And that's the category the following five films fall into. These are movies I enjoyed watching for two hours, hoping for a satisfying ending. And got one that was more than I expected.

1. The Usual Suspects (1995):  Simply a brilliant ending to a great mystery where you spend most of the movie trying to figure out who's doing what. And when the answer is revealed at the end, most people would be surprised. The film did a great job not providing too many hints. 

2. La La Land (2016):  Another movie that blew me away while watching it, and I remember sitting there thinking to myself, "please don't ruin it with a cheesy ending!". And they didn't. I actually choked up a little as the two main characters, both living their separate dreams, acknowledged what each did for the other to help accomplish them, with a subtle nod and smile as they parted, probably forever.

3. Mr. Holland's Opus (1995):  Very moving ending as a school and community celebrate the forced retirement of a long time music teacher in a very memorable and touching way. Didn't see it coming.

4. Miracle on 34th Street (1948):  My favorite Christmas movie about a man who insists he's the real Kris Kringle. The movie never gives us an answer, but leaves us with a tantalizing clue in the last scene of the movie. Basically, they left the decision to us!

5. Big Fish (2003):  My favorite Tim Burton movie about a dying man retelling an amazing life story to his estranged, and skeptical son, who tires to verify his dad's elaborate stories. After his dad dies, some interesting revelations are revealed at his funeral. Again, a very moving and unexpected ending.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Top 5 Tuesday: My Favorite TV Sitcoms

Thought it only fair to follow up my favorite TV drama's post with my five personal favorite comedy sitcoms! I was able to rank the top four very quickly, as to me, they stand out from the rest.  But number five was a bit tough, so I included the most recent one I discovered and really enjoyed. Wondering how many of you actually have heard of it! Again, these are my favorite shows, not what I necessarily consider the best. But they could be!

1.  I Love Lucy-  To me, this is the show that started sitcoms as we know it. And it still holds it own. Love the California and Europe trips!  Always thought Desi Arnaz was underrated as a sitcom actor. You never hear his name when the all-time best sitcom actors are mentioned. He was hilarious, and a vital piece to the success of I Love Lucy.

2.  Seinfeld-  A real close second.  For most sitcoms, a single episode will usually feature one memorable storyline. But it wasn't unusual for a single Seinfeld episode to feature two or three unforgettable storylines.  And it consistently did this for nine seasons!  That's what you call great writing.

3.  Get Smart-  I'm probably in the minority here, but this is still one of most hilarious shows ever on TV.  James Bond meets Inspector Clouseau.  Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner and Buck Henry were a great writing team. And I particularly liked Hymie the robot!

4.  All in the Family-  Ground breaking, brave comedy.  Very well written.  There weren't very many sitcoms where I laughed and was moved to the point of tears in the same episode.  Happened more than once in All in the Family.

5.  The Detectorists-  I know, where did this one come from? The Detectorists is a show from the BBC that feature two metal detector professionals who are a part of a group in a small rural town in England.  

Honorable mention (no particular order):  Barney Miller, The Odd Couple, M*A*S*H, Friends, Cheers, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Larry Sanders Show, Mary Tyler Moore Show, Happy Days, The Munsters, Frasier, The Office (BBC),  Green Acres.

So those are my five favorite sitcoms. Feel free to chime in with yours and why you chose them!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Top 5 Tuesday: Guilty Pleasure Fast Food Items

Now that the new year has begun and people are beginning to make New Years resolutions to lose their holiday weight, I thought this list was fitting! Well, sort of....

Fortunately, I don't eat much fast food anymore, but there was a time in my pre-marital life when I did indulge from time to time. Ok, maybe slightly more than time to time. During that time, I did develop some go-to favorites during that period, which I'm sure will cause some of you to roll your eyes! Regardless, here the top 5:

  1. Der Weinerschnitzel chili cheese dog:  hot dog covered with Der Weinerschnitzel chili and melted cheese, creating a blended mixture of yumminess. Had one with my mom a few months ago for the first time in a while, and they are still delicious.

  2. Burger King traditional chicken sandwich w/cheese:  The cheese again, was the key here. Nice and melted on a toasted white meat chicken patty with just the right amount of lettuce and condiments.  

  3. McDonalds double cheeseburger: Not really sure why I liked these, but I just know I enjoyed how McDonalds made them. They were a frequent, cheap go-to destination when I need a quick snack.

  4. Jack-in-the-Box tacos: By far the greasiest thing on this list, with no real resemblance to a traditional taco. But they tasted very good, with just a little kick, in a weird taco kind-of-way.

  5. Carl Jr's Western Bacon Cheeseburger:  Loved the onion ring, melted cheese, BBQ sauce combo atop the 1/4 pound burger. 
Honorable mention: Taco Bell Mexican Pizza, Togo's toasted roast beef/avocado sandwich, Carl's Jr. Fish sandwich, Colonel Sanders extra crispy chicken breast.